
Diversity in fiction is crucial in creating a society where everyone is seen, heard, and respected. How does an author know how to write about people different from oneself?

Empathy. It really boils down to empathy.

Brandon Taylor wrote a beautiful essay about this.


My favorite quote:

There can be no story without empathy. Our stories begin because we are able to enter the lives of other people.

Thank you, Mr. Taylor.

Winner CampNaNoWriMo 2016!

2016 CampNano CNW_Winner_150

I made my word count goal!

I didn’t aim really high for July but I did it: 9,000 words.

That included my mostly finished drafts of my stories for Some Time Later, the new Treehouse Writers/Thinking Ink Press anthology and a whole bunch of character sketches for my next novel Sand and Bones.

Speaking of which, I am well underway with plotting and planning Sand and Bones. I’ll get it written between now and the end of November (NaNoWriMo once again!). Hopefully it will be edited, revised, and published by next May.