Status of Sand and Bones

For anyone keeping track, I am over 63,000 words into my latest novel, Sand and Bones, with about four scenes still to write. No monster on the page yet, with the exception of the icky cult leader.

I had hoped to finish writing in May but it looks like July’s Camp NaNoWriMo will be spent finishing the manuscript REALLY, TRULY this time. Then onto revisions.

And yet there’s this side project that’s starting to yank at me, diverting attention away from Sand and Bones. I blame Sparky McTrowell and Erasmus Drake.

Some Time Later released

The third and final volume of the Later anthology series. This is my favorite!

Edited to add that a review recently came out. Thanks Amanda for your Some Time Later review!

Welcome to the Treehouse!

Some Time Later: Fantastic Voyages Through Alternate Worlds The final volume of the Later series of anthologies, Some Time Later: Fantastic Voyages Through Alternate Worlds, is available now through Thinking Ink Press.
This charity steampunk anthology is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers, or if you’re lucky enough to run into one of the authors at an in-person event, you can get a copy from them.

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Clockwork Alchemy

Yes! A great event.

Dover Whitecliff

I never did make it to Exo-Suits in April, but I will finish the A to Zed of Jhrin in time.

Most of April and May was spent in preparation for Clockwork Alchemy, one of the most author-friendly steampunk conventions out there. I attended in 2013, and was so inspired that I was manning a table with my own first novel on it, and teaching panels in 2014. Truly awesome stuff! We have a full author track every year with everything from how to work with an editor, write a limerick, build worlds, beat NaNoWriMo, to the Science of Airships, and writing with Hot Potatoes! We had over 30 hours of panels this year alone.

In addition to putting out new editions of my annual scandal sheet, the Blackfriars Courant (all the news that’s unfit to print, or what really happened in all the novels and short stories the Clockwork…

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