Stuck With Your Story? Why You Keep Hitting Walls and Dead Ends in Your Writing.

Sometimes rules stifle our creativity. I find them useful but sometimes, you just have to trust your intuition about characters or your story. No, I’m not switching from being a hard-core plotter but I value writing what feels right.

A Writer's Path

by Lauren Sapala

For the longest time I had major problems doing revisions on my writing. It seemed so easy for everyone else. Why was it so hard for me? Of course, I also had trouble writing. I hardly ever experienced that state of “effortless flow” everyone talked about, in which the words just magically spewed out of me down onto the page. For years—a lot  of years—I felt like something was wrong with me. I felt like I was a failure as a writer.

Then, I discovered something.

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Friday Book Share ~ Fav Writing Books

Need some suggestions on books about writing craft?
I think “The 12 Key Pillars of novel construction” by C. S. Lakin is a must read.
What are your favorite craft books?

Story Empire

Hey SE Readers. It’s Friday and time for another book share. I usually share a work of fiction (after all this site is about writing fiction), but today I’m going to do something a little different. I’m going to share a few of my favorite (and most helpful) books on writing.

The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi – I purchased this book when it first released several years ago and found it extremely helpful. Recently the authors published a new version that lists 130 different emotions.

Each entry defines that particular emotion, notes, physical signs and behaviors, internal sensations, mental responses, acute or long-term responses to said emotion, associated power verbs, and more.

Angela and Becca have also published The Emotional Wound Thesaurus, Negative Trait Thesaurus, Positive Trait Thesaurus, The Rural Setting Thesaurus, The Urban Setting Thesaurus, and Emotion Amplifiers.

I’ve found each of these books useful…

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