It’s Release Day for The Cultist’s Wife!

This book o’ mine had a long, strange, and winding journey to publication but it’s HERE.

Long time readers of this blog first encountered it as a story about a little girl going to the Bahamas called Sand and Bones. Then I re-wrote it to be Clara’s story, and it became Escaping Andronicus. And then I let my Beta readers (thank you Dover and Thena!) at it (again) and it was finally titled The Cultist’s Wife.

Then it sat in my To Be Edited folder while I worked on The Vitruvian Mask because I had people asking me for a sequel to The Archimedean Heart and I am nothing if not responsive to my readers. <grin>

But finally, I returned to this book and polished it up to a shine. I had my developmental editor give it another pass. A sensitivity reader took a look at it from a Black Bahamian perspective. I hired a proofreader (thanks, Alison!) and got a great cover designer (Kelley York at Sleepy Fox Studios). I think it’s the story I wanted to tell now.

I have had some lovely people look at the ARCs and wanted to share snippets of their reviews:

The book took my breath away…

It had everything that I was looking for…

I was so enthralled in this story I couldn’t stop thinking about it when I couldn’t be reading it.

This was a quick read and it sucked me in right away!

Read this in 2 days. Very readable!

Blushing emoji

Awww, you folks are so sweet! <BLUSH> I was so pleased to read these reviews!

If you want your own copy, The Cultist’s Wife is on sale through the month of May.

It’s part of a promo package with a ton of other horror, mystery, and suspense books here or by itself here.